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Salaat Timings
Sihori (end) 5:51 AM
Fajr (begin) 6:24 AM
Sunrise 7:05 AM
Zawaal 12:37 PM
Asr (end) 4:15 PM
Maghrib 6:08 PM
Nisful Layl (begin) 12:37 AM
Nisful Layl (end): 1:40 AM

We are the Dawoodi Bohras of Chicagoland in Illinois. We worship at our Masjid in the suburb of Willowbrook. Our story begins in the 1950s when a handful of young, aspiring men and women came to study here. Since then, we have grown into a vibrant community of over 1,000 members, including over 250 children, many of whom are third-generation immigrants.

We strive to be a positive part of society and uphold the teachings of our spiritual leader, His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin. Addressing hunger and social community service is one of our most passionate causes. At the direction of His Holiness, we have made great progress on these initiatives by partnering with local organizations to make a positive impact on the community in which we live.

Our community is made up of Dawoodi Bohras from India, Pakistan, Africa, and Europe. We come from diverse professional backgrounds, including entrepreneurs to teachers. We are bound by our love for peace and unity.

For more information on the local Dawoodi Bohra community of Chicago, please visit:

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